V.I.P. Petfoods™ Chunkers Meatballs Chicken With Scrambled Eggs & Parsley Adult Dog Chilled Food 1kg

$6.35 each $0.64 per 100g


The V.I.P. Petfoods Chunkers Chicken with Scrambled Eggs and Parsley offers a great-tasting mix of nutritious ingredients.

This chilled dog food meal offers nutrition inside and out, with protein helping to keep their muscles healthy, and omega 3 and 6 nourishing their coat.

Serve it as a complete meal, as a snack, or even as a treat for more enjoyable and healthier training time. With a perfect blend of eggs, meat and spices, it's like giving your precious pet a home cooked meal made from your own kitchen.

Proudly Made in Australia.

Meets the AAFCO nutritional guidelines for Adult Maintenance

V.I.P range of chilled food includes dog rolls, pet mince and cooked meatballs can be found in the pet food fridge section.


Meat (Chicken), Wholegrain cereals, Potato Starch, Salt, Eggs, Sugar, Colour, Essential vitamins and minerals (including Thiamine), Parsley, Food acid, Preservatives (223 202), Garlic.

Storage Instructions

Store below 4°C

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